Install Docker on Ubuntu 22.04 (with Compose)
There are many ways to install docker on Ubuntu, which can be overwhelming. This post shows how to install Docker
Base Ubuntu 18.04 Server Linux Hardening
Prepare the the server
We will update and setup the default locale's on the server, and enable the auto security
Installing and Issuing Let's Encrypt Certificates
Install certbot for let's encrypt
Certbot can automatically fetch let's encrypt certificates for us. Before we do that I found
Installing Docker CE & Docker Compose On Ubuntu 18.04
Install Docker from the Official Docker Repository
Install the Dependencies
Docker has its own repositories. Before you can install it
Converting Hyper-V .vhdx to KVM .img format
Migrating from Hyper-V to KVM on Ubuntu. Found a good way to convert those pesky Hyper-V images so that I
Nodejs and NPM on Ubuntu Server 16.04
Quick and easy way to install Nodejs on Ubuntu server. This will install the Nodejs PPA which contains the most
Install Nodejs v0.12.9 on Ubuntu 14.04
# Note the new setup script name for Node.js v0.12
curl -sL