Eternity (ENT) Masternode Setup
Steps to setup a Eternity (ENT) Masternode
Desktop Controller wallet OS: Windows 10
Latest Wallet Win64 (Portable Version):
Eternity Masternode OS: Ubuntu Desktop 16.04
VM Spec's:
4 Cores
Eternity Masternode Instructions
You don't want to use the root account to run the Masternode, but in Ubuntu you setup a new user during the install process anyway. So in this guide we will skip this typical step.
If you want to create a new user that is in addition to the one you create at install you can do so with the following commands.
sudo adduser newusername
Add the user to the sudo group so that they can issue commans with superuser privileges.
sudo usermod -aG sudo newusername
Make sure system is up to date on packages.
sudo apt update
sudo apt dist-upgrade
Next, we want to update firewall rules accordingly.
sudo ufw default deny
sudo ufw logging on
sudo ufw allow 4854/tcp
sudo ufw allow 4855/tcp
sudo ufw limit OpenSSH
sudo ufw --force enable
As of 8-26-2017 this wallet version and github link will pull the latest Eternity Wallet version.Let's add the wallet to you Eternity Masternode system.
In this guide we are going to make the running of the node a little easier. It requires us to compile the wallet and install it, but the time we put into this now will safe us time down the road.
NEW First clone the repo from Git and grab the source code:
git clone
Compile the masternode using the Berkely DB v4.8 and no GUI. Note the use of teo dashes (--) in the configure command! Copy and paste sometimes screws up the dashes... So check them.
cd cd ~/eternity/
./configure --without-gui
sudo make install
Start the wallet to create the needed files and folders.
You may encounter error messages when starting the wallet for the first time. Ignore these for now and proceed to create the eternity.conf file if it is not present.
cd .eternity/
nano eternity.conf
Add the following to the eternity.conf file.
rpcuser=long random username
rpcpassword=longer random password
Save the file Ctrl +x and exit.
In the Desktop Controller wallet, open the Debug console and:
eternitynode genkey
You get the EternityNode private_key
getaccountaddress <node-alias>
The Desktop Controller associated address that you will send your 1000 ENT to. Send EXACTLY 1000 ENT to this address in one transaction!
Back at the command prompt on your Eternity Masternode edit the eternity.conf file.
cd .eternity/
nano eternity.conf
Put your private_key obtained with enternitynode genkey before in the of place XXXX and save.
Than start the wallet on the Masternode
In the wallet on your Desktop Controller issue this in the console:
eternitynode getoutputs
We get the collateral TX_ID and TX_INDEX(0 or 1) (85898ae7956757657ced9689687687a 1 for example)
We open eternitynode.conf on our Desktop Controller wallet and put a new line as:
Node-alias VPS_IP:4855 Private_key TX_ID TX_INDEX
Save the file.
Close and re-open the Desktop Controller wallet software.
On the Eternity Masternode, check if the wallet is synced:
eternity-cli getinfo
Take a look at the block number to be sure wallet has synced. Current block at the tme of this writing is 184322.
Check that the node creation transaction has at least 16 confirmations.
In the console on your Desktop Controller wallet:
eternitynode start-alias <node-alias>
Message : eternitynode succesfully started etc.......
Back in the Masternode VM:
eternity-cli eternitynode status
"status" : "Eternitynode successfully started"
And done. My nodes have the bad habit to fall down every 10-15 days, take a look sometimes to their status with:
eternitynode list-conf
Final Note: Make sure you backup your wallet.dat files.
ENT donations if you find this helpful are greatly appreciated.