1 min read

Bitcoin Achieves World's Best-Performing Currency

Bitcoin Achieves World's Best-Performing Currency
Photo by Aleksi Räisä / Unsplash

I just had to post this after reading it. It discusses how Bitcoin is the top gaining currency of the year for 2015. It beat every single currency in this world by leaps and bounds.

I believe the issues encountered by Bitcoin in 2014 when it was listed as the WORST performing currency in the world are behind it. Reason being that it was fairly obvious certain companies and individuals who were running scams at the time had their worlds crash down around them and with it the price of Bitcoin as consumer confidence was shaken.

Low and behold it has recovered. The maturity of Bitcoin as a currency will only continue to rise and with it the price unfortunately. With more Fintech investment then ever before, more merchants offers products and goods for sale, and more consumer exceptance the price really should continue to rise. Check back at the end of 2016 to see if this prediction is true or not. ;)

See for yourself:



My 2¢