What's it all about.
What can I say? When it comes right down to it I'm just another person throwing up my 2¢ online on the off chance that anyone will give a crap.
Let's take it one step further and assume you're actually somewhat interested in these ramblings. First off I'd have to say get a life, but then again this site has no chance of existing forever without the kind donations from viewers like you!
BTC Donations Welcomes: 123fBGQcDDedhC8jSakaU6qar829hR6P6c
Bigger letters so you can see it clearly. Oh and if you don't know what Bitcoins are click the address above fool
If you find any enjoyment whatsoever out of this site congrats!
My 2¢ anyway...
P.S. I would like to also throw some thank you's to the ladies and gentlemen with the following open source projects. Without their hard work and dedication I would of never been able to piece this site together.
First off is of course the creators of this sites underlying software. Ghost.org who brought us this wonderful Just a blogging platform
Carl Sagan who has inspired generations. Miss you! Truly Inspiring!
And of course cannot forget.
Victimized dog owners the world over!